KymiRing is Northern Europe’s only GP circuit fulfilling the highest requirements of FIM and FIA. The track is 4.5 kilometres long with 21 curves and has a total height difference of 18 metres. The length of the main straight is 1.1 km – the longest GP straight in Europe.

Technical, physical and fast.

The track design aims to meet the driver requirements irrespective of experience and class, and it offers a safe environment for any automotive practices.

The clockwise driven GP track with 21 bends, 13 to the right and 8 to the left, each different in terms of speed and radius, offers smooth and exciting driving experience with eight key overtaking points.

Track design takes advantage of the undulating terrain; the circuit provides an 18-meters height difference between the highest and lowest point. The camber of the bends varies at different points of the track with a maximum of 8,19% up and 7,63% down. Top drivers have described the track as challenging and interesting.

The specifications

  • Length: 4,5 km
  • Width: 12 m
  • Longest straight: 1,1 km
  • Driving direction: clockwise
  • Altitude difference: 18 m
  • GP East: 2,4 km
  • GP West: 2,2 km
  • Maximum gradient:
    uphill: 8,19%
    downhill: 7,63%
  • Classification: FIA 1/FIM A
  • Number of corners: 21
  • Right corners: 13
  • Left corners: 8
  • Pitlane: 6000m² 15m x 400m